Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Obama Announces Attorney General


Obama has a very serious problem. It is not just that he cannot win crucial Democratic constituencies. It is that he cannot win them when they know that Hillary has no chance and that prolonging the race hurts the party. That tells me there is a crippling depth to their resistance. They prefer hurting the party to handing the party over to Obama. That translates, to me, to a significant chunk of those same voters giving John McCain a serious hard look.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

There Is Video of This

"I am looking forward to a debate with John McCain. John McCain is a good man. He's an American hero. We honor his service to this nation. But he has made some bad choices about the company he keeps."

Senator Obama at the Wisconsin Democratic party's Founders Day gala, February 2008 (before the Rev. Wright Tapes emerged in March)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Who Said G.D. America?

Unexpected State Polling

In some important states (Ohio, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Florida), there is something that begins to show rather frequently --- Hillary matches up better with McCain than Obama does. Its too early to think much of it (Obama is in the middle of his worst week yet). But if it continues, Hillary will be able to make an argument that Obama is weak in the states that matter most in the electoral college. If the polling I have seen in the past week or so holds, that argument will be meaningful to party insiders because the numbers are significant.

Obama Names Ambassador to Israel

Old Lady's Shocking Confession

"Sometimes I'm scared that a black man might steal my purse"

Nation ponders forgiveness. Obama leads the way.

Jeremiah and Louis --- Any Difference?

The Democratic Ticket

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The First Two Presidents of the 21st Century

John McCain's Arms

"When they had finished removing my gear and clothes, I felt a sharp pain in my right knee. I looked down and saw that my right foot was resting next to my left knee at a 90 degree angle.

I cried out: 'My God, my leg!

Someone smashed a rifle butt into my shoulder, breaking it. Someone else stuck a bayonet in my ankle and groin."

- Adapted and extracted from Faith of My Fathers, by John McCain

See More:,21985,23301752-663,00.html

BFF's Voting for McCain

I Miss John Kerry

McCain's Brain?

"Ken Mehlman, who ran Bush’s 2004 campaign, is now serving as an unpaid, outside adviser to the Arizona Republican. Karl Rove, the president’s top political hand since his Texas days, recently gave money to McCain and soon after had a private conversation with the senator. A top McCain adviser said both Mehlman and Rove are now informally advising the campaign. Rove refused to detail his conversation with McCain."

Who is liked at this point in March?

McCain Favorable 53%
McCain Unfavorable 42%
Clinton Favorable 46%
Clinton Unfavorable 53%
Obama Favorable 48%
Obama Unfavorable 49%

Obama's Weak Race Speech

In order to defend his indefensible association with Rev. Wright, Obama did two things: (1) he compared his grandmother to Wright, and (2) he argued implicitly that all black churches engage in Wright's anti-Americanism. Both arguments are shameful. Some leader. As I said three weeks ago (see below).

Thursday, February 28, 2008


He's weak. The Democrats are making a mistake.


United States military deaths in Anbar province since the beginning of the war through the end of February 2008, is 1297. United States military deaths in Anbar province in October, November, December, January and February is a total of 7.

The Surge

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Quote of the Day

"Where is the audacity of hope when it comes to backing the success of our troops all the way to victory in Iraq? What we heard last night was the timidity of despair. Our allies deserve better, our soldiers deserve better, and so do the American people."

Sen. John McCain, commenting on Democratic debate held February 26, 2007.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Iraq was better off before we invaded....

...George W. Rousseau disagrees:

"It will be said that a despot gives his subjects the assurance of civil tranquility. Very well, but what does it profit them, if those wars against other powers which result from a despot's ambition, if his insatiable greed, and the oppressive demands of his administration, cause more desolation than civil strife would cause? ...There is peace in dungeons, but is that enough to make dungeons desirable?"

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract, published 1762.

New Hampshire

2004 Kerry 50% Bush 49%
2000 Bush 48% Gore 47%

2000 Republican Primary Winner: John McCain
2008 Republican Primary Winner: John McCain
2008 Democratic Primary Winner: Hillary Clinton

2004 Election Map (Actual)

2004 Election Map (Cartogram by population)

See more:

Friday, February 22, 2008